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Job Readiness Training Programs

카테고리 없음

by rosnorompblog1977 2020. 2. 18. 11:03


  1. Job Readiness Training Programs In Atlanta Georgia

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training helps SNAP participants obtain job readiness skills. Eligible participants are provided with job development services that may include job search assistance, training or additional education and placement services. Funds may also be provided for transportation and associated resources like books, tools, and supplies. The primary goal of the SNAP Employment and Training Program is to assist individuals in reaching their employment potential and becoming totally independent of public assistance. Services Provided. Vocational/technical and other training.

Postsecondary education. Individual employment search. Travel expenses. Workforce Investment Act Training (WIA)How to ApplyYou may apply for benefits at your local Department of Human Services county office or by applying online.

ReadinessJob readiness training program for teens

Job Readiness Training Programs In Atlanta Georgia

You may also request an application through the toll-Free DHS Customer Service Line: 866-311-4287.